Sunday, April 21, 2019

Vedic Runecraft

I have been working with the various systems of runecraft for about eight years now, and one thing I see time and time again is the Germanisisation of Vedic theology and lore. However I have never encountered the opposite of this, and so I thought it would be a fun project to adapt my runic knowledge to the vedic religions and to see what came about. Primarily, this is an adaptation of the Armanen system as I have found it to be the most effective.

For fun, I have also decided to include elemets of Rodnovery. For are not these three paths only three offshoots of the original path of our common ancestors? And seeing as Vedism is the only of these sects which is still extant, thriving to this day, while these others have been persecuted into nigh extinction, it seems more than appropriate to view them through its lense, so to speak.

Within this context the Rūnāsaḥ were discovered by the god Vātanas-Rudra, brother of Vṛṇa and Viśa, son of Brahma having ermerged from the lotus of Viśnu, as he hung himself on the Aśvatþa tree-of-life. 

The Rūnāsaḥ Aryamānavāṇām:

1. Vaśa – the rune of the father, or creator, lord Vāta
2. Úṣṭra – the rune of the primordial cow goddess Kāmadhenu, and Urvárā, a manifestation of the earth-goddess Bhūmi
3. Tṛṇa – the rune of Þūnāras, a manifestation of Indra, the thunderer, as the son of Vātanas and Urvárā, king of the Ásurāsaḥ and destoyer of the children of Purusha 
4. Asu – The rune of life-force and the Ásurāsaḥ
5. Ṛta – the rune of truth and right-order, signifying dhármaḥ
6. Jñātá – the rune of knowing and recognition
7. Hima – the rune of ice or the hailstone, of what has been created and established
8. Návya – the rune of newness and need, and the resolution of kárma
9. Īśa – the rune of the Īśvara
10. Ārya – the rune of the god Aryamā́
11. Svar – the rune of Svarāga-Surya, manifestation of Bhālabhāga as the Lord of Svargá (Heaven) and father of Manu and Yáma.
12. Deva – the rune of the Devā́saḥ
13. Bhṛ - the rune of bearing forth
14. Loka - the rune of the world
15. Manu - the rune of the god Manu
16. Yama – the rune of Yama-Purusha the god of death and materiality
17. Áśva – the rune of the Aśvinau
18. Chakra - the cosmic rune representing the universe or Brahmachakra, and the cycle of time or Kalachakra; the rune of Bhāla, the son of Vātanas and Priya, who is the avatar of Vātanas-Rudra as the god of renewal, or destruction and rebirth, also named Bhāladāhá

Vātanas is regarded the supreme and balanced form of Brahma, and the active force of creation. His brothers Vṛṇa and Viśa are regarded as his own manifestations through which he acts. And it is he who gives vāyu and varpas, through them.

From his breath he creates the five vāyávaḥ, being the five winds of creation and animation: Prāṇa, Apāna, Uḍāna, Samāna, and Vyāna. Thus he may also be named Vāta-Vāyu.

Contained within Vātanas-Svarāga is the essence of Bhālabhāga, which he imparted to his manifestation Bhāla, who himself is the son of Vātanas and Priya (daughter of Viśa), lord of divinity and renewal. This is juxtaposed by the essence of Kṛṣṇábhāga being transmitted from Purusha to his own children.

The God-Names with assorted translations given in Old Norse (ON), Common Germanic (CG), Anglicised Russian (AR) and Modern English (ME):

Rūnāsaḥ - rūnōz (CG), runes (ME)
Vātanas-Rudra – Wōdanaz-Raudraz (CG), Woden-Redre (ME)
Vṛṇa – Wiljô (CG), Will (ME)
Viśa – Wīhą (CG), Weh (ME)
Viśnu – Wīhnuz (CG), Wehne (ME)
Ásurāsaḥ - Aesir (ON), Asiwiz (CG), Oses (ME)
Devā́saḥ - Tivar (ON), Tiwōz (CG), Tues (ME)
Vāta-Brahma – Wōdaz Burgmô (CG), Wod-Bergme (ME)
Urvárā – Earth (ME), Jord (ON)
Þūnāras – Þor (ON), Thunder (ME), Þunraz / Þunaraz (CG). Where Indra is Anþraz (CG) becoming Anther (ME).
Aryamā́ – Arjamô (CG), Ereme (ME)
Svarāga-Surya – Svarog-Surya (AR), the solar god of Heaven and creation
Bhālabhāga – Belobog (AR), Balþabagą (CG), Baldebaw (ME), the supreme form of Bhāla, ingaged in eternal conflict with the god of darkness and evil, Kṛṣṇábhāga – Chernobog (AR), Kursnabagą (CG), Keirsnebaw (ME).
Manu – Mannuz (CG), Man (ME)
Yama – Jumijaz (CG), Ymir (ON), Yome (ME)
Aśvinau – Ehwōz (CG), Ehs / Ahs (ME)
Bhāla – Balþaz (CG), Balder (ME), the shining white lord of splendour.
Bhāladāhá – Bēladagaz (CG), Belodaga (AR), Bale-Day (ME) [from Old English Baeldaeg]
Priya – Frijjō (CG), Frigga (ME)
Vāta-Vāyu – Wōdaz Wōjuz (CG), Wod Woy (ME), whence comes vāyávaḥ - wōjiwiz (CG), woys (ME)

Keep in mind, I've only jotted this down in a couple hours, so it is not yet a fully developed system. Let me know if you'd like to see more along these lines.

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